Curry shop only during the day, BAR at night. “Spice-flavored Azabu Juban Yakuzen curry”

“Spice-flavored Azabu Juban Yakuzen curry”

It is near Azabujuban’s “Shinichi Bridge” intersection

“Spice-flavored Azabu Juban Yakuzen curry”

The entrance menu is a landmark


It seems that the curry shop is open only during the day.

A fancy entrance


Chic space inside. The seats are not that wide.

Because it is crowded, I think that early arrival is good.

A lunch menu

Basic menu


  • S スリランカ風薬膳スープカレー
  • A 薬膳スープで作ったチキンカレー
  • B 鶏と生姜の煮込み薬膳カレー
  • C 豚ひき肉と唐辛子の薬膳カレー
other options


  • D 二種のあいがけ薬膳カレー

“D” is a curry that you can choose from two of A to C


I chose A and C.

Pickles on table are free.


Homemade pickles are tasty.

Various kinds of vegetables are contained, and a faint acidity is very delicious.

The top is A chicken curry and the bottom is C’s Yakuzen curry

Chicken curry is spicy modest.

Chicken curry is perfect for rice and tasty. Mild taste.


The lower curry sauce curry is a bit painful.

The taste of various spices is felt strongly.

It is best to enjoy the mildness of chicken curry and the spicy of Yakuzen curry alternately!

17 spices


Curry contains so much spices!

It is delicious with curry which is very carefully made.

I can not make this at home.


Thank you for the meal

It is a rare curry that can only be eaten during the day.

Because many “Yakuzen” are used, it is also gentle to the stomach

It looks perfect for a hangover.

If this restaurant is near the house, I will definitely go there after drinking.

It was a very delicious curry!

Thank you for reading this blog, everyone 🙂